Monday, June 8, 2015

Masterpiece essay

For some reason I can't make the embedded document larger but here it is bigger.

Hero? Many of other students who are our age think they are a hero but don’t know what it means to be a hero.  A hero is the person who puts aside their own needs and helps to give to others what they need. A hero is one who doesn’t feel the need to say they are they hero. They are the ones that you don’t see, the ones behind the scene.
A call to action this year has evaded my academic life but has struck deep in my personal life. My dear friend was faced with a deep family issue and I was there supporting her. I was called upon to be a crutch for her when needed. I was able to time manage my short time not only with school but also with a campaign that helped many families.
Though I don’t want to be referred to as a hero I want to allude to those who I feel are the true heroes; those who do things for others but ask nothing in return because they were just doing their job or doing what was right. Doctors, teachers, firefighters, nurses, military man, police, etc., they all do what is necessary to help make our lives better. Although they don’t ask for the recognition, they feel good knowing that they are making a difference.
Me, I don’t want to be a hero. I want to make a difference and help my patients as much as I can. I know that my next steps in life will lead me to be in a position where I can do what I can and take care of those in my care.
My actions this year are not equivalent to those of hero’s. However I am on a hero’s journey like all of us, and hope and dedication might get me to the spot where I want to be.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Friday, May 1, 2015


A tragedy can be a positive or negative event. It can make one remember the good things in life. A traffic event reminds one of the privileges they have and they appreciate the little things again. However a tragedy brought on by someone else can illuminate the evil that is lurking in the world. The tragedy that Macbeth brings affects a nation. He kills the king and takes power. His corrupt way of running brings about several countries teamng up to defeat his tyrannical rule. In a way his tragedy bright about good in the way he united several countries together. However, like the great tree that is struck by lightning, all great power eventually finds its downfall. 

Sunday, April 26, 2015


  • A doctor is talking to a woman about watching Lady MacBeth who sleepwalks
  •  Lady MacBeth walks with her eyes open but appears oblivious to everything else she talks to herself about keeping her hands clean of blood and she keeps "washing" her hand in the air
  • She speaks of Banquo's death and how it cannot be undone
  • The doctor is shocked and askes God to look after her