Sunday, August 17, 2014

1987 AP Test

Section 1.

1. C
2. A
3. C
4. E
5. A
6. D
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. C
11. D
12. B
13. B
14. E
15. E
 I found this section rather easy because it asked specific questions about the passage. Some asked to infer what was going on beyond and that was a little brainteaser to first understand what the questions asked and then figuring out how that applied to the passage itself. A few words in this section were difficult to understand since I hadn't come into contact with them but this section was fairly easy (that being said I probably failed this section).
16. B
17. C
18. A
19. B
20. B
21. D
22. C
23. C
24. C
25. B
26. E
27. E
28. D
29. E
30. A
31. B
32. C
Throughout answering the question referring to the poem the most struggling part for me was understanding the vocabulary that was being used. Several times I found myself looking up words to understand what was being asked just in the questions itself. Towards the end of this part, I found it difficult to answer the questions involving the set up and form of the poem because I didn't understand the literary techniques and different forms that the questions referenced to.
47. C
48. A
49. C
50. D
51. B
52. D
53. B
54. E
55. E
56. A
57. A
58. D
59. B
60. D
61. B
During this small section of question a lot of questions that seemed almost common sensed based on the passage were easier to me than the ones that asked a vague question and provided even vaguer answers. The passage itself was hard for me to read and understand. One part that troubled me a lot was the questions involving basic English/grammar skills that I was unable to answer with confidence.

Essay #1

George Elliot describes a leisure unlike the type we have now in our society today. She speaks of her time and of simplicity that conveys options unlike what we know of today. Leisure is defined by society in the way it shapes around the necessities of what is relevent to the time period it is apart of. Although changes were changing when George Elliot wrote of her leisure, many similarities and differences can be viewed between the two.

When George Elliot describes her visions of leisure, she describes vague simplicity and appreciation of the nature and religion around. Through her use of vivid images and allusions, we are reminded of the once important issues faced with the society of the time. She talks of sitting and watching the fruit while understanding its meaning and its beauty. She talks of going to church and routines performed week to show appreciation of God and prayer. Having leisure in this time period was this simple. People did these things in their spear time while reading a paper that was unbiased to the political and social news of the time. However from the creation of the trains during the industrial revolution, leisure as they once knew it changed.

Once the companies started growing and competing producing products such as oil, metals, and trains, leisure started altering and evolving to fit these needs. No longer was leisure time spent enjoying the untamed beauty of nature or was it a priority to sit and praise the Lord. However their remained groups that still appreciate and document nature in their spare time and some religious groups stayed around to continue pray in their leisure time. Although society still viewed news in the newspapers, the news began to morph and alter itself around the big names of the nation and the growing trends. No loner was it informational and unbiased. News from that point on was made to sell. 

Leisure time is one that grows and changes as society itself grows and changes. George Elliot writes of the way leisure changed in her time with vivid images and allusions to the appreciation of nature to the priority of prayer to the basic need to read the paper. During her time industries grew and shaped the nation taking with it natural leisure. Although time spent with "Old Leisure" has changed once again since she wrote, technology and society will again grow and evolve calling for different leisure and different necessities.

Essay #2

As society changes as a whole traditions, necessities, and political views also change. Whether it be tradition to wear ten layers of clothes to it be necessary for all judges to wear a big wig when in front of the courts and also on personal time, times have changed. Throughout history we as people have made mistakes and have acted on those mistakes as if it never happens. The Crucible is an example of what happens when society becomes to raveled in basic drama and it spirals out of hand.

Throughout The Crucible, society is faced with the issues that cause controversy left and right. The short play is based on the Salem Witch Trials where neighbors turned on neighbors and accused each other of being witches. Majority of the time it was for some personal gain or revenge. A lack of evidence was present in each trial, but unfortunatly we as a society grew overwhelmed but the political views in place that many innocent people died due to foolish desires. Tradition said that what is normal is the proper way to do things and anyway outside of this way was considered witchcraft and the individual in question must either be burned or hung for their sins. Due to the "traditional way" that everyone learned, lived and needed, many mistakes caused many people their lives.

Although times have changed since the era written about in The Crucible, many of the same concepts are applied to society today, however many different factors are coming into play that alter the basic idea of the "norm." It used to be a tradition that women married men and that same-sex marriage was considered an abomination. Through many legal battles and the necessities of many individuals same-sex marriage has been considered reasonable and now society accepts these coalitions as normal. Back in years previous this was unheard of and unimaginable. Another example of how times are changing now is the idea of an African-American president. Before this era that we are currently in the idea of an African-American president was unheard of. However due to acceptance and political changes we now have an African-American leader. 

As shown in The Crucible, and the examples mentioned above, society changes everyday and the needs and the "norms" change along with it. Although many seem to be stuck in the traditional and comfortable ways to handle things, that is not how the majority see it today. Throughout history and the future to come society will continue to change and alter the needs and wants of many. Only we as a whole can decide where it goes from here.

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