Monday, December 15, 2014

Literature Analysis #3

The Road By Cormac McCarthy

1) The book opens with a father and a son walking down roads, constantly looking their shoulders for someone or something. They deal with the constant ever changing weather, short supplies and little to no food, pushing their shopping cart of supplies in front of them. In one encounter, the father and son come into contact without another person who threatens the son's life. The father is able to save his son by shooting the man in the head. However their encounter with danger is not over. The father unfortunately is injured and struggles to keep going. Heartache is soon to come for the son when his father dies in the winter. However luck comes his way and he meets up with another family, who takes him in.

2) In my opinion the theme is dedication and motivation is the key to hope in desperate situations. No matter how grim the situation appears to be the father uses his son as his motivation to keep going. He's dedication to keeping his son alive is what ultimately saves his sons life. The dedication and motivation they shared helped them survive sickness, hunger and weather.

3)Throughout the novel the tone changes from informative and descriptive to loving and caring to panic and frightened. Depending on the situation being described in the book shows the tone of the author. When the father and son are talking there is a protective, loving and caring aspect but when the duo faces a dangerous situation there is panic, fear and excitement portrayed. However the novel appears to have a mournful or melancholy tone.

4) The author uses many different types of literature techniques such as symbolism and foreshadowing. He uses symbols such as the bullets in the revolver which symbolize life and death that the father and son were facing. The technique of foreshadowing is used when a description of the son being between the father and death alludes to the later event where the father dies.


1) The author uses indirect characterization to portray his characters. Although most authors use direct characterization to portray their characters, McCarthy alludes to their traits. He doesn't specifically say the dad was strong, he shows it through the way he is able to continue his journey despite the many obstacles he faces.

2) The syntax and diction doesn't change throughout the novel. However in the dialogue between the boy and his father, the boys words are more adolescent.

3) The protagonist is a static flat character. His views never change and his goal throughout the novel stays the same, to keep his son alive and to reach a better place. Unfortunately he died before they could reach their goal but his mental composure and characteristics stay the same.

4) I don't feel like I met someone new. With all the description of the surrounding area that the characters face, I feel like I've encountered a new area and a new world rather than new characters.

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