Thursday, February 19, 2015

Brave New World Chp 1 notes

  • World state motto: community,  identity, stability
  • Particulars: make for virtue and happiness
  • Generalities: intellectually necessary evils
  • Fretsawyers? and stamp collectors compose the backbone of society.
  • Year of stability, AF 632
  • Begin at the beginning
  • Ova? -ovary
  • Bokanovsky's process?-egg will bud will proliferate will divide. Eight to ninety-six buds and every bud will from into a perfectly formed embryo and every embryo into a full-sized adult. Making ninety-six human beings grow where only one free before. Progress.
  • Responds to budding
  • "Bokanovsky's prices is one of major instruments of social stability"-the director
  • Bokanovsky's creates a standard of men and women, a uniform bunch
  • But cannot bokanovskify indefinitely, only producing at most ninety-six or on average seventy-two
To be continued.. PS love this book!

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