Thursday, March 26, 2015


  •  monosyllabic- (of a word or utterance) consisting of one syllable, (of a person) using brief words to signify reluctance to engage in conversation 
  • Axminster-
  • a kind of machine-woven patterned carpet with a cut pile.

"If he was trying German irregular verbs on the poor beast," said Clovis, "he deserved all he got." Throughout the short story, Cornelius Appin showed his "acquaintances" how he had taught the cat to talk. This last quote was from a part dweller who was disturbed by Appin's accomplishment. The quote relates to how things that shouldn't be done have been done and that the punishment from such a heinous act should be death. Appin was killed by an elephant that he was training. Although the quote was meant as a joke, it gives the appearance of a bad critical evaluation. Clovis was trying to allude to the fact that what Appin was doing is unimaginable and he should have gotten all the pain that he received. It relates to the theme in the story in the way that it shows how work that is done in the scientific community always has the chance to be deemed unethical. There are always a difference in opinions and there is no way that all can be satisfied.

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