Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Another Day in the Frontal Lobe by Katrina Firlik NOTES

Pg 11 ischemic stroke-strokectomy
Pg 15- 5% of neurosurgeons are female
Pg 17 most surgeries are on the done rather than the brain
Colloid cyst-pg19 sure at a critical crossroads of cerebrospinal fluid circulation if it grows larger enough it can block this flow and cause a dramatic and rapid increase of pressure inside the head.
Pg 21-bezor
Pg 22- psychiatric disorder (pica) the involuntary urge to eat nonfood iteams
Pg 23- inmate who swallowed a pen so he could leave his cell does it twice when he goes back.
Pg 23-freak shows- rubber man (probably had a serious and potentially life-threatening connective tissue disorder.
Pg24-father was an emergency surgeon who had a case where a kid ran with scissors tripped and fell and ended up getting stabbed in the eyes by the scissors
Pg 25- curved metzenbaum scissors
Pg 30- first years in med school are a buffet. You get s little taste of everything as you go around the take
Pg 33- if you hope to become a neurosurgeon you have to price your pain for science to the gatekeepers in the academics of neneurosurgery
Pg34-med students do all they can to bolster the research section of their resumes (the academic equivalent of a peacocks tail)
Pg 35- carotid arteries-two most significant arteries that feed the brain

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