Thursday, January 15, 2015

AP Prep Post #1 Siddhartha Part C

1. Siddhartha features substantial activity and narrative action. At the same time, it is about one man’s largely internal spiritual quest. What is the relationship between the internal and exterior worlds of Siddhartha? How does Siddhartha negotiate these worlds?


For while it appears that the exterior world took hold of his life and ruled without challenge. His actions where only influenced by what the world around him said was okay for him to do. He became a priest and lived without home because that what he believed society wanted from him. If his religion required that he did something then he would do it. However on his trip back to his family, the internal world started to raise to the surface. It began taking hold and caused him to question the path he chose. The battle broke out causing Siddhartha to be confused, uncertain of what he was to do to the point where he stopped in his path to ponder. Eventually the exterior world was defeated and the internal world began its reign over Siddhartha for the first time.

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