Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Masterpiece Description

For my masterpiece I want to incorporate something that I've always been interested in with my career goals in the future. I did find a hard choice between ancient Egypt and space. However I decided that since I have researched so much about pharaohs and Egypt that I would like to venture out and research something completely new and interesting, so I decided on space. I want my masterpiece to incorporate as much fun interesting things about space as possible along with facts about how the astronauts keep themselves healthy once they are in space. I did throw some emails Mrs. Dirkes' way and she told me lots of amazing facts about space and astronauts that it really caught my attention. She recommended the book An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth which I have started reading for my literature analysis. 

For the second part of my masterpiece I want to evaluate and contrast the different styles of patient care that emergency doctors possess. I have become close to two Emergency Physicians at Marian and I have been several times to the ER shadowing them. I want to bring my experiences alive to the class. However I'm not to sure on how to pursue something like this but I'm going to let it take its course and see where I find myself.

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