Sunday, April 12, 2015


There's only one thing that separates us humans from those metallic humanoids roaming the streets. It's not intelligence or feelings. It's empathy. The Boneli Test or the Voigt-Kampff empathy test unveil the identities of "andys" as they produce slower reactions to human questions and show no regard of feelings towards others.

But another way to prove my innocence of being an android, is to test my bone marrow. Although the andys made on Mars are made of biological material, they are not made of real bone like us humans. A simple bone marrow test proves whether an individual is human or not.

Us humans value life and we can show feelings when something we believe is immoral occurs. Like a poor dog being stuffed with rice, or a deer mounted on the wall. We treasure others as there are few still here with us and close to no animals left. The radioactive dust has taken all from us even made our fellow humans emigrate to Mars.

We humans know that killing is wrong but the escaped androids who come here for sanctuary kill their own owners to get here, the very people they were created to aid on that harsh, barren landscape.

We humans also value life and feel the need to take care of pets. Whether it's real or synthetic, raising an animal in a loving and caring environment is something house android will never know. I for one have two did and a turtle whom I care for and have lived for many years. No andy can keep an animal alive.

Androids cannot understand our concept of Mercanism, the main religion on Earth now, as it was given to us by the great Mercer himself. Mercer's teachings include the understanding that we are all together now as we survive in these new territories. He takes us on a spiritual journey through the empathy box where we watch through a screen as Mercer guides us up the mountain. No andy can complete the task like we can.

I've made my argument on the difference of humans and those murderous androids. You may test me all you like and find that I indeed am human as I feel the connection to others and I empathize. The true question is whether you are andy or human. 

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