Monday, April 13, 2015


1. Macbeth was introduced through indirect characterization from the thoughts of other characters that talk about him."for brave Macbeth well he deserves that name distaining fortune, with his brandish'd steel, which smoked with bloody execution."

2. One instant where the witches foreshadow is when they say, "Fair is foul and foul is fair." This foreshadows that someone will betray someone in the future and in turn that person will be betrayed.

3. Shakespeare's exposition in Macbeth gives the readers and viewers not only a sense of hierarchy but background into where the play opens and how characters act and what others think about certain ones. The use if indirect characterization alludes to past actions and what the outcome of those actions were.

4. Shakespeare never directly addresses Macbeth as a character saying he is like this or he's evil. He uses other characters to comment on what they believe Macbeth is like as a person. At the time if the play, a King was to come and watch. Macbeth's character ends up killing a king and conspiring with witches which in the time of Shakespeare that was considered evil and the most heinous sin. Shakespeare does this because he doesn't want the king to see him as an evil person.

5. One of the main themes that most see in the okay is the line of the witches "fair is foul and foul is fair." This theme will drive the plot if the story into a darker area than if the plot was like everything can be resolved with the use of words.

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