Sunday, April 19, 2015


  • Banquo opens with a self soliloquy about how the witches prophesied that MacBeth will be king. He hopes that the prophecy about him fathering many kings will also come true
  • MacBeth is having a feast and he requests that Banquo be there, Banquo has an errand but MacBeth tells him he has to make it to the dinner. He also tells Banquo that there is whispers in england and Ireland
  • MacBeth fears Banquos sons will overpower him and take over his crown.
  • MacBeth has hired two hitman to take Banquo out, they all consider Banquo their enemies, they are planning to kill him to
  • MacBeth is feeling really guilty and so is his wife
  • Murders kill Banquo but Fleance escapes

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