Tuesday, September 30, 2014


The life she has planned and has worked her whole high school career for has finally taken off. It's been a year since you received that life-changing letter that started it all. Here she is studying at Cal poly State University getting a bachelors degree and biological sciences. All the hours of volunteering all the countless nights of scholarship applications all the sleepless dreams of finally receiving the letter have paid off. She has made her dream come true and she is determined and dedicated to finish out her life dream of becoming an emergency physician. She can still that day when it all became reality.

It was close to finals of the first semester of your senior year she's been working hard to prove to everyone else that she wasn't who she appeared to be. It was December 17 she was expecting a letter any day from her dream school, Cal poly State University. She had applied for early decision and each day checked the mail for the letter that would make it all possible for her. She knew she said a chance she knew she could make it but in her mind there was still that little piece of self-conscious. She didn't think that she was smart enough to get into Cal poly and she was afraid of letting down those around her but her mother always said, "Put it in gods hands. What's his plan will happen and you just have to live with the rest of it." She soon began to doubt her's self even more with each passing day of no response from her dream school. Then when she was just about to fear the worst she got her letter in the mail. She looked at the seal and instantly ran inside, clutching the letter for dear life. Her parents were both still asleep at they have both worked the day before she tore the letter open in her room but paused too afraid to open the letter because she was too afraid to know if she had gotten rejected or excepted. She knew there was no point in delaying the inevitable. She unfolded the letter and began reading the first sentence.

"Dear Lillyana Navarrete,
It is our pleasure to inform you that you have been excepted into California Polytechnic State University."

She collapsed to her knees and cried. Not out of sadness but out of pure happiness for the first time in her life in years. She ran to her room and woke her parents up on the screamed , "I did it I finally did it!" At first your parents weren't understanding what was going on, they were almost a little bit too grumpy from being woken up from their slumber. However once she read and reread the first sentence of the letter they both began to cry out of pride. Her mom hugged her tightly and said with a laugh, "I always had faith in you I knew you were going to do it from the start. I'm so proud of you."

Looking back on the day, she grams and soundly last herself. That long awaited letter. The one that let her start the beginning of her life, the one that made all of her dreams possible in 20 words. She knows that the road ahead is long, up to 10 years before she will be where she wants to be but she knows that The next 10 years will be the greatest years full adventure learning and the opportunity to grow as a person. The next 10 years will lead to a life that will be dictated by her.

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