Sunday, October 5, 2014


When life calls you to an adventure you got to take it head on. Her time at Cal Poly was short when her adventure called her. She was studying biology when one day her professor asks her to come into his office hours because he was something that he believe she needs to see. As she walks in she is surprised to see her professor packing up his office. He looks up as she knocks on the door.

"Oh hello Lilly I hope you haven't been standing their to long." He states as he stacks more books into boxes.

" Hey Professor Segura. No I haven't I just got here. What's going on ?" She asks fearing the worst.

"Well there has been a new development in my research of mountain mammals and I'm going up North with a team to look at a species of wolves that are rumored to be new species. I asked you here because I would like you to come along with me. I know it is odd to ask but you always worked hard in my class and I think you would enjoy this opportunity very much. I know it is close to the end of the term and you probably have things you planned but I really need your help." Professor Segura looked up from his packing waiting for a response.

Lilly looked at her professor afraid to say no but she knows she doesn't have the time due to the fact that she planned a trip to South Carolina to visit family. "To be honest," she said with a frown, "I have planned a trip to go to South Carolina to visit family and I don't think I will have the time."

Her professor looked at her disappointed, "I was really hoping you would come with me. I'm going up with professors from Berkley, San Francisco Medical School, UCLA and USC. This would have been a great time to but your name out there and get noticed by professors seeing as you are looking into medical schools.Plus I was going to offer you extra credit just in time to bring your B to an A."

"But I had an A already?!" she said shocked and upset, "How come my grade switched?"

"As you know, as a professor I have to the say in all final grades and if you choose not to go with me and participate, I'll have to take away your class participation and bring your grade lower." Professor Segura said, looking slightly guilty. "Please I really need you to come with me. I already have your plane ticket and everything is paid. I just need you to come with me as my choice student. All the other professors choose students from their class and I'd like for you to be mine."

Lilly stood, stunned by the blackmail her teacher was pulling on her. She didn't want to go she'd have to change her whole plans. She knew she could try turning her teacher in and attempt to reverse the grade. Her 4.0 hung in the balance. Finally with a sigh she agreed to go with him.

"When do we leave and what do I need to bring?" She asked disappointed.

"Honestly we leave in two hours. We need to go to the Santa Maria airport right now all the other professors are already there waiting." He said as he stacked the last boxes on the cart. 

"But I have nothing!" she exclaimed in disbelief. "No clothes, no nothing! I'm nowhere near ready to go."

"Neither am I," said Professor Segura as he walked out the door. "All I have to do put this in the storage closet then were off. I know this is fast and last minute but nobody was prepared for this. The universities gave no warning of our sudden departure but there is no time to lose. They said we leave now or we don't leave at all. All the other professors and students have taken flights to Santa Maria and we are all boarding a plane that will take us North. Once there we are supposed to jump on another flight to a boarder town near Canada where we will set up base with a group already there. Once there we will go get clothes and all the necessities we will need. This is being paid for by the universities all the clothes and everything."

Lilly was shocked by the sudden need for departure but the time for backing out had already passed she was in this whether she liked it or not. She helped Professor Segura get his stuff into the closet. As they walked out to the cars she started wondering what they were going to do with their cars. 

"We will take yours to the airport and we will have to ask your family to come get it once we leave. My wife is going to get my car here," the professor explained.

As they got into the car Lilly apologized for the mess. The professor said it was nothing compared to his car and off they went. Once they arrived at the airport, they saw all the other professors standing outside waiting for them. Lilly's stomach began to turn with fear, excitement and nerves. All subsided when she recognized a familiar face in the crowd. She was surprised to relieved to see that the professor from UC Berkley had chosen Naimoi to come along. She ran and gave her a hug and explained how relieved she was that she had someone on this trip she already knew.

"Alright lets go check in and get a move on. We don't have much time before we need to be off," directed the UCLA professor.

Once checked in they all stood around and socialized learning each others names and getting first impressions. Lilly also used this time to fill in her family. Lilly learned that the bossy Professor from UCLA was named Professor Ortiz, the shy female professor from USC was Professor Ramierz, the overexcited professor from Berkley was Professor Hernadez and the Medical Professor was Professor Williams. Naimoi and Lilly filled each other in on their recent activities at the universities. Naimoi was in several of Lilly's classes senior year and they got along very well especially towards the beginning.

"Flight 253 to Sacramento now boarding." said the overcom.

Lilly and Naimoi shared terrified looks and followed their professors to the gate which lead to their unknown adventure.

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