Tuesday, October 7, 2014


A) To be entirely honest I know not much about Hamlet except he was a great character in a Shakespeare play. Once I heard that the plot line of The Lion King was based on the Hamlet play but when asking around the AP class they looked at me in surprise.

B) Shakespeare was one of the greatest artists of literature and his plays have stood the test of time. He wrote tragic plays that didn't always have the traditional ending where the guy gets the girl. 

C) Many students frown when hearing that they will be reading a Shakespearian work because they understand it will be difficult. Shakespeare used a unique diction and syntax that added a level of difficulty to his pieces and as an audience today we have a hard time understanding it. But with determination and the right teaching skills we can overcome the challenge and learn from it.

D) If we watch the play acted out and take it one piece at a time we will be able to understand the play with better comprehension. For me as a visual learner, it takes one time to see something and then learning it becomes so much easier. Hearing and reading things make it harder to grasp.


  1. Lion King was totally based off of Hamlet!

    Simba: Prince Hamlet
    Mufasa: King Hamlet
    Scar: Claudius

  2. YES I KNEW IT!! Thanks you! We should watch it once were done reading Hamlet to compare.
