Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Vocabulary #5

shenanigans noun a mischievous or deceitful trick, practice,etc.
"The teenager played many shenanigans on the old man."

ricochet - noun a glancing rebound; verb spring back; spring away from an impact
"The bullet ricocheted off the metal pipe, into the wall. "

schism - noun division of a group into opposing factions; the formal separation of a church into two churches or the withdrawal of one group over doctrinal differences
"The Element church was formed when the members schism from First Christian."

eschew - verb avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of
"While driving I eschewed the potholes."

plethora - noun extreme excess
"Water is no longer in plethora in the world."

ebullient - adj. joyously unrestrained
"The man was ebullient in manner when talking to the young bartender."

garrulous - adj. full of trivial conversation
"Conversations in the halls of the high school we're garrulous. "

harangue - noun a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion; verb deliver a harangue to; address forcefully
"While the politician gave his speech, he harangued his opinions,"

interdependence - noun a reciprocal relation between interdependent entities (objects or individuals or groups)
"The group was interdependent on each other while working on their project."

capricious - adj. determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason; changeable
"The man quit his job capriciously."

loquacious - adj. full of trivial conversation
"The team's dugout was loquacious."

ephemeral - adj. lasting a very short time; noun anything short-lived, as an insect that lives only for a day in its winged form
"The effects of heroine and other drugs are ephemeral."

inchoate - adj. only partly in existence; imperfectly formed
"Imagination is inchoate."?

juxtapose - verb place side by side
"The boxes were staked juxtapose one another."

perspicacious - adj. acutely insightful and wise; mentally acute or penetratingly discerning
"The old man was perspicacious."

codswallop - noun nonsensical talk or writing
"The man on drugs was codswalloping around."

mungo noun a low-grade wool from felted rags or waste.
"The dress was made from a mungo fabric."

sesquipedalian adjective characterized by long words; long-winded
"The sentence in the essay was sesquipedalian."

wonky - adj. inclined to shake as from weakness or defect; turned or twisted toward one side
"The man woke up wonky from his long nap on the plane."

diphthong - noun a vowel sound that starts near the articulatory position for one vowel and moves toward the position for another
"The word had a diphthong structure."

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